Theatrical forum of 24 January 2023

Cre­ated at the Théâtre Nation­al de Stras­bourg by two Brus­sels-based artists, Sahra Dat­ous­said and Sarah Siré, this for­um was born of the desire to tell the story of a con­tro­ver­sial man — high-tech ter­ror­ist for some, revolu­tion­ary hero for others.

Bor­row­ing from the codes of doc­u­ment­ary theatre and the aca­dem­ic con­fer­ence, the for­um fea­tures wit­nesses and experts in a per­form­at­ive way. It was the start­ing point for the con­struc­tion of a nar­rat­ive, like “an insti­tute of his­tory and doc­u­ment­a­tion”, in the words of dir­ect­or Milo Rau, whose work includes the Congo Tribunal.

Photo cred­it : Ant­oine de Peretti